Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blogging Ideas

The types of blogs I believe we should write on should be very open ended and creative topics. It should be a topic that everyone will be able to brainstorm ideas for and not get stuck there trying their hardest to come up with an idea and then getting extremely frustrated. On the other hand specific topics may not be as interesting and I have noticed if you are forced to write on such topics you just don't want to write on them because again it ,usually, doesn't interest you. Topics I believe we should write on are, writing about your favourite sport and or bashing a sport, writing a Christmas or birthday wish list, or making up your own mystical creature and then creating an environment for it. I think it would be benificial for all of us if the blogs were to be marked for completion only. This would be a good way of doing the marking because firstly sometimes you just have an off day and just can't write, secondly if you get a topic you just can't write on, but you tried anyway, you shouldn't get penalized for it. Finally it would be way easier for Searcy to mark them all.

1 comment:

Lokearan said...

Are you ready for my amazing comment?

I agree.